Friday, January 16, 2015

Hard at work

We have been here less than 24 hours and already we have had a lot happening.  As we speak the kids are in the middle of their last big rehearsal before adjudication tomorrow morning.  Our New York kids have run into several of their friends from this summer's workshop, and the adults have had the chance to network with members of the iTheatrics staff.  We have run into groups from Wyoming, Virginia, Texas, and Oklahoma among others.  The excitement throughout the group is palpable. Tonight we will enjoy a group dinner, reception, and then an early lights out so that the kids are ready for tomorrow's adjudication performance.  

Friday, January 9, 2015

Performing Team is Ready for the local SHOWCASE - Jan 11

This year's Performing Team is READY & EXCITED to showcase their 15-minute piece for local and a fabulous panel of special guests !!!
via Skype: 
KELLY JEANNE GRANT - current lead performer in Phantom of the Opera on Broadway
HEATHER STOKES - previous Broadway performer, current Voice Instructor/Director in San Jose, CA
STEPHEN REED - previous Broadway performer, current Choreographer/Dance Instructor in NYC
in Person:

DAVID BOURGEOIS - actor, singer, dancer involved with many groups including Masquers, Lksh Wind Ensemble & UW-Mtwc
KAREN QUICKER - music theater and opera performer with many groups including Mtwc Symphony Orchestra
BIFF HANSEN - actor and singer involved with many groups including Heart-a-Rama & Out of Time band

THIS SUNDAY, Jan 11 from 5:00-6:30 pm at Treehouse Theater (818 Franklin St, Manitowoc) - free admission; hope to see you there!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Summary of the Week

Friday, July 25, 2014

I have not been keeping up on blogging, mainly because we were so busy!  But now, I am going to blog away!  This week has been absolutely amazing.  Meeting different people who have traveled to JTF and performed the same shows as you, meeting the directors, and everything else in between has been such a fun experience.  One of the techniques that our music director (Rick) had used I liked a lot.  He would play out the melody and harmony once or twice, sing it for us, then tell us to sing it, then we would just tweak the trouble parts.  I really liked using this method because I feel like I learned the music quicker this way and was able to learn my harmonies easier and I was confident on them.  I also liked how we would rough block a scene and then we would go back and fix any bumps in the road.  Our director (Marty) really helped us get into character and help us stay in character.  Even though I did not have a lead role in this production, I felt almost as if I did. I may have had only one line but I sang in almost every song and did something in almost every scene.  Ensemble roles may not have the most solos or the most lines but ensemble roles help a lot with telling the story.  There were 53 named roles in Madagascar Jr so everyone felt as if their part was important.  For example, we had a scene where all the ensemble roles were scenery or dancing birds or a pond.  They helped us give the audience a visual of what "paradise" looked like, without using scenery or props. 

We learned some new games to play called Statues in the Museum and Bang.  The first day of workshops we broke the ice by getting into different groups based on what the director called out, such as what state we were from, how many pet we had, etc.  Abby, Ethan and I were the only ones from Wisconsin.  There were people from Texas, Louisiana, North Carolina, Georgia, New Jersey, but only 2 out of the 48 kids were from New York.  Some of the other kids had been in other iTheatrics workshops, but most kids were newcomers like us.  The first few hours of the workshop consisted of learning some songs and then auditioning and by 2:00 that afternoon they had the show cast.  I was a lioness, Abby a lemur and Ethan was a lemur and a penguin.  We had a lot of fun with our roles.

The rest of the week we worked a lot with music, blocking and dance.  We only had one run through of the show before putting on 2 performances on Friday.  One crazy thing was Friday morning before the show the director Marty decided he wanted to change some things about the scenes, which he can do since the show is not set in stone yet.  After Friday's first performance, he changed some other things before the second performance.  He said it would take 2 or 3 years before Madagascar Jr. would be ready to come out for theatre groups to perform.  We got to keep our scripts though so that is cool. 

One thing that impressed me was a lot of the kids were off book for our performances, even though we technically only had 24 hours total of rehearsal time.  Only a few kids felt the need to keep their scripts in hand for most of the show, otherwise everyone was either off book or only grabbed it for scenes they weren't as confident with.

On Friday we were told that out of the 48 kids that were part of Madagascar Jr, 43 were All Stars, and the remaining 5 submitted video auditions and got in that way.  I thought that was a cool tidbit of information.  Also on Monday, I had a girl come up to me and told me I played the Sour Kangaroo in Suessical.  Since I was wearing my Suessical cast shirt, I thought she was referring to that until I realized that she recognized me from JTF and I recognized her, so we got to catch up, which was really fun.

Overall, this week has been amazing and I've learned a heck of a lot in just 5 days time.  So thank you iTheatrics, MTI, DreamWorks, and anyone else who helped make this workshop possible and letting me experience this once in a lifetime opportunity!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Halfway home

Wow- it has been a long week.  We had our first rehearsal on Monday and I made a lot of new friends.  We learned new game and I found out I was going to be a lemur and a penguin.  Monday night we went to the 9/11 Memorial.  On Tuesday my favorite part of rehearsal was singing - but my favorite part of the day was getting to see my first Broadway show!!! I really loved the Genie and how he popped out of the ground. After a late night we got up really early to get on the Today show and wish Allyson a Happy Birthday. At rehearsal we finished the script and worked on acting, singing, and dancing.  I really like singing and get to sing the high part.  We stopped at a few places tonight, but now we are back early so we can get some sleep.


Monday, July 21, 2014

Break a leg!!

We dropped off the kids this morning at the 52nd street project (then moved all of the luggage by ourselves).  Can't wait to hear the stories... I'll make sure the post tonight.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Crazy Day

Ok...I will try to give the Reader's Digest version of everything that happened today.  In it's simplest form it was No apartment...lots of luggage...finding Jen...5 Shades of Summer...trying to ditch luggage...MoMa is a no go...Hilton helps out...wrong way subway...right way subway...voice lessons times three...finally time to eat...long walk through a peaceful protest...pick up at Hilton...short walk to different Hilton...15 minutes of rest...checking out the venue...CVS grocery stop...time to rest.

Now to expand on some of the more interesting points.  The trip to MKE, boarding, take off, and landing all went well (kids picked the wrong side of the airplane as Cathy and I had the view of the Manhattan skyline coming in, and the Statue of Liberty.  As we landed Cathy turned her phone back on, and had an e-mail cancelling our apartment (no explanation).  We immediately contacted Airbnb, and they were very helpful.  It took a while to sort things out, but when all was said and done - they put us up in a hotel for the night, and we will be moving into a different apartment for the rest of the week starting tomorrow.

When we finally found a place to check our baggage for a few hours- we knew we were on a time crunch to get to the voice lessons - we made things even tighter with a with a two stop trip the wrong direction on the subway.  The voice lessons went well - I'm hoping the kids will talk about what they took away from the experience when they post tomorrow.  We checked out the walk over to the 52nd street project so that we are ready to go tomorrow.  Now the kids are all getting some much needed rest so they are re-fueled for tomorrow.

On our way...